Thank You
Held On: 19.10.2019.
Event Held By: Helios Spectra
Event Sponsor: Car Analytics Ltd, United Kingdom.
Location: Malachi Trust in Pudukottai, Trichy, India
Human life is structured unpredictably and uniquely, all are not the same. In terms, of birth till death, the way of living is different.
On the occasion of our one- year celebration, Helios Spectra, Trichy organized a charity event on 19th October 2019 and visited the home “Malachi Trust in Pudukottai, Trichy“ under the concern of a Management trustee Mr. Mahalingam. Their main motto is protecting and giving life to “mentally retarded children”.
These children were once thought to be something different and cannot be handled upon. This observation is probably true of many of the difficulties inherent in our present complex society. It is doubly true of the problem of mental retardation which has been with us since the beginning of time and is overlaid with centuries of misunderstanding and prejudice.
We, as responsible human beings, must provide some consideration to the special problems faced by these persons suffering from mental subnormality.
No matter their scars or limitations, every child is Precious!
We contributed food, sweets and spent a day entertaining around 75 children. We thank our beloved sponsor Car Analytics Ltd, United kingdom for making this day remarkable.
Many people have coped up their hands to support their moto and that’s how they’re managing their daily expenses. Even, some of these children are also giving contributions by making mats and from that, they are earning some!
by making mats and from that they are earning some!
Let’s render our support to make use of their limited abilities and potentialities to the fullest.